Author: TechWireHub

The Becoming Your Best Planner: Have your best year ever!

The becoming your best is a paper planner designed to bring you balance, health, happiness, and high performance results. Printed on thicker, high-quality  paper to resist ink bleeding, the planner features a spiral-bound, extremely durable hard cover with an elastic enclosure strap and pen holder.

It has two convertible sizes. A full 8.5” by 11” size for those that require a lot of room to effectively lead and manage their lives. A medium version of 5.75” by 8” size for those on the move who want something more compact while maintaining all the features of the large version.

The BYB Planner incorporates your dreams and goals into your daily routine

The planner was built to answer the question, “how can I live a better and more fulfilling life?”. There are many section in the planner. Inside the planner, you will find:

  • Vision section  to capture your personal vision and dreams.
  • Goal section with examples to create your own SMART goals for the year.
  • Full-sized monthly calendars for the year 2020 and for 2021.
  • 52 full size-weekly calendars that run from Jan 2020- Dec 2020 for focused exexecution
  • Two column of space in each weekly calendar for focused and promoted to-dos and note ideas
  • Monthly journal page to capture your “happy thought, good things and highlights”
  • Weekly motivational quotes and thoughts to help you stay in the right frame of mind.
  • A note section at the end of the planner to capture ideas, thoughts and journal entries.
  • A full color world map
  • Supper smooth high quality 100 GSM thick paper, about 1.75 times thicker than a standard sheet of printer paper to resist ink bleeding from fountain pens.
  • 170 pages of high grade organic and natural materials

Among who can benefit from this planner include

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Stay-at-home moms
  • Executives and team leader
  • Busy parent
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Pastors
  • Coaches
  • Anyone seeking work-life balance

Becoming your best is a gorgeou, flexible daily planner that helps you take control of your time and accomplish what matters most in your life

Microzu Innovation

Are you an industrial shopper? Or Are you interested into online/offline resseler prefer partners? Or are you interested in smart living technologies? If you are interested in any of these then you have set your foot to the right place because Microzu is an efficient combination of physical retail locations, quality electronic technology products and it is an e-commerce website which provides services at incredibly competitive prices. Microzu is based upon H-commerce and the term H-commerce is invented by the fonder of microzu. H-commerce is believed to be a platform for online, offline and mobile commerce combined in to one technology.

Microzu has the following five categories:

  1. E-commerce provider
  2. AI cloud solutions
  3. Showroom of smart home products
  4. Virtual warehouse marketplace
  5. Smart home applications


Individual consumers can utilize the Y-box as the microzu’s premiere technology hardware. It is basically a home to all-in-one, including the private cloud server, storage, firewall hub, wi-fi extender and others. Microzu provides quite a few services, while using microzu you can have a peace of mind that the hardware you will be using is completely safe. Y-box is one of the most popular products and it is also completely safe to use. It is a combination of e-commerce, technology services, artificial intelligence and so much more.

Some of the sources through which the microzu generates revenue include electronic commerce orders, retail walk-in sales, wholesale accounts, cloud solutions, AI, and lastly, smart living and home services. All these sources make microzu one of its kind due to its vast variety of services.

Some of the goals of microzu are as follow:

  1. To make sure that microzu has retail places where the industrial shoppers or other consumers can get quality products at affordable prices.
  2. To ensure that microzu leads the electronic retails in smart living. It also aims at making microzu a reliable place for the consumers.
  3. Another major aim is to go for online and offline reseller prefer partners.
  4. Ensure expertise in the field of smart living.

The company has been able to create an intranet of things with the help of developing a cloud hardware which acts as a private application server. The unique thing about microzu is that it not only focuses upon technology but also focuses upon human security.

Ybox is a private home cloud platform that comes with hardware and software. It comes with seven unique features is able to operate with any operating system or communication carrier. All the technological products that are created microzu are safe and secure from malicious intruders. Microzu aims at generating revenues through the business opportunities that they create for the public and the consumers. The unique idea of having virtual warehouse marketplace, smart living gears, applications, hardware and software.

However, there are some restraints behind the drivers behind the market. The problems are that the market is not necessity-driven but it is convenience-driven. Also, there is a high cost of switching for the already existing smart device consumers. There also some issues related to the privacy and security.

The start od microzu leads back to the selling of computer parts but in the current times, microzu is a full fledge company which is technologically advanced and has come up with unique ideas. Not only this, the company now focuses upon smart home and electronic services, virtual warehouse focusing and so many other things. The unique thing about the company is that it comes up with the unique and innovative ideas with the help of the expertise of the engineers and others experts working in the company. It then invests on these innovative ideas to make sure that the market demand is met.

Out of all the goals that the company has, it mainly focuses upon technological advancement to have a smart living. The company also aims to become the go-to place for firms and consumers where they can find the right products on an affordable price. The company’s mission is to become an asset for the society and for the environment as well. They also aim to create scholarships for students who belong to the fields of technology or business. With the philosophy of being creative and aware, microzu aims at providing advanced services to the consumers.

TTSPY Review: A Leading Parental Control Application For Smartphones

What is TTSPY?

TTSPY is a leading parental control application for smartphones that allows parents to monitor text messages, calls, current GPS location, Snapchat, WhatsApp and much more

Why we need TTSPY?

Thus, while other monitoring applications have limited functions or support, a multifunctional TTSPY telephone tracker can provide support for all users. Actually, it is the most efficient software to track online activity and the location of someone who exists today.

Features of TTSPY

By installing TTSPY on your child’s phone, you can see exactly what he’s doing and who he’s talking to on social media and his smartphone. You can also track the position of their phone.

There are two editions, Basic and Premium, which support a variety of mobile devices, including iPhone, iPad and Android devices. You will find below a list of the features available with the Premium Plan:

1. GPS Tracking: TTSPY not only records the GPS location of your child’s phone but also sends it so you can see exactly where your child is all day long. You can even see his position in real-time on a map.

2. Read text messages: read their text messages sent and received, even if they are deleted from the phone.

3. View call history: Find out who they are calling and who is calling them. Get details such as phone numbers, contact names, date, time and duration of calls.

4. Read instant messages: Watch their instant messaging conversations like WhatsApp and Skype, as well as social networking sites like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. This feature is only available on rooted Android and jailbroken Android devices.

5. Keylogger: Record all user keystrokes while using their Android phone. This feature is only available for Android OS version 4.0 and later.

6. Read emails: Read all incoming and outgoing emails. You can also read emails sent via Gmail and other email clients.

7. View photos and videos: View all photos and videos stored on your child’s phone.

8. Monitor Internet activities: check the websites they visit, their search history, and the web pages they visit.

9. Access contacts and calendar: Browse your child’s contacts to see who they are communicating with. Check all calendar events on their phone.

How does TTSPY work?

TTSPY collects information about the target device and sends you to your control panel (your account will be created after purchase). … TTSPY collects data from the device on which it is installed and displayed in the control panel where you can access any Internet browser.

Compatibility Information

TTSPY Compatible With All Popular Devices

For iOS Devices

  • Well-suited with all iOS versions
  • The device must be Internet-enabled
  • You do not need physical access to the device if you already have its iCloud authorizations (Apple ID & Password).
  • Physical access is required if iCloud backup isn’t activated on the checked device or 2-factor/2-step verification is enabled.
  • Monitoring of calls
  • Oversight of the full contact list
  • Sent/Received Text Messages
  • WhatsApp
  • Browsing History
  • Events
  • Notes
  • Installed apps

For Android Devices

  • The target device must be a fully functioning Android 4+
  • The target Android device must be linked to the Internet
  • You’ll need physical control of the device to install TTSPY
  • Instant messengers monitoring works on rooted Androids only
  • Monitoring of communication apps (Snapchat, Skype, Facebook messenger, Viber, Line, WhatsApp, Telegram) and optional blocking
  • Current GPS Location
  • Text Messaging (including recently deleted)
  • Monitoring of phone calls
  • Review the full contact list and block unwilling contacts
  • Read all emails (both incoming and outgoing)
  • Internet usage: Browsing History/Bookmarks/Keyword alerts/Optional blocking
  • Calendar Activities
  • Device Wipeout
  • & more!

Determine Your Android Version

  1. Open your phone’s menu. Tap System Settings
  2. Scroll down towards the bottom
  3. Select About phone
  4. The OS version of your device is shown under Android version

Customer Service and Support

If you need any technical support, contact our customer care service. Note: To use TTSPY to its full potential,  

Common Questions

Q: What is TTSPY and how does it work?

TTSPY is an excellent cell phone tracking app that makes it easy to track your kids’ activities on their smartphones. Available for Android and iOS, it allows you to read all of your child’s call logs and SMS (even deleted), track their GPS location and monitor their phone activity.

The way it works is simple. Simply download the TTSPY application on your child’s phone and she will provide you with details of phone usage. If TTSPY is installed on an iPhone or Android phone, you can then monitor the phone’s activity from the TTSPY website.

Q: Is TTSPY hidden?

The application is invisible to the monitored user. There is no indication that TTSPY is running while it is active. The application has no icons on the phone. It starts automatically each time the phone is turned on and stays hidden.

Q: Is TTSPY legal?

The TTSPY software is 100% legal as long as the phone on which you install it is your phone. If you try to use TTSPY to monitor a cell phone that you do not own or you do not have the appropriate written consent, you may be violating federal laws and state laws.

As long as you are the parent or legal guardian and the child is under the age of 18, you are legally allowed to monitor your child’s activities without notifying them.


TTSPY has everything you need from mobile monitoring software. It offers a long list of features, including the ability to track websites visited, calls made and received, messages sent and received and keystrokes typed, and even block any app or website. It has a user-friendly web-based control panel and excellent customer service. The app interface is very easy to use and works on all major operating systems.