The Best Action-Packed Pixel Art Games to Play in 2020
The world of gaming has come a long way. From 2D to 3D and now, we have some crazy AAA titles which not only creates an immersive experience for the individual gamer but significantly keeps them hooked by offering them state-of-the-art graphics and some really amazing gaming mechanics.
But even in an era where ultimate graphics rule the market, there is something quite different and charming about the pixels form together into a creative and interactive element. We, the millennials especially come from a time when we used to stay hooked playing games on our favorite consoles like Atari and Sega. And back then, games were all designed on pixelated motion pictures. To be honest, those games had some of the best storylines and the most interesting characters, all in all.
There is just something about these pixel art games which makes the whole experience a lot better.
Are you an active gamer who still craves playing these pixel art games even in 2020? Then worry not, as we bring some of the highly interactive and action-packed pixel art games, the best of the best.
Dead Cells
You are running out of time, and your score keeps getting smaller and smaller as you progress through the game. Each second that passes simply decreases your chance to score better against your opponent. You have to make decisions, and you have to make them quick. The task is simple! Kill plenty of monsters, gather loot and somehow reach the exit of every stage. It sounds like a typical pixel-art old school game, but it is not. Here, you are challenged to fight against time and death also.
The game is pretty challenging because it is fast-paced and time-bound. You are tasked with taking out brutal enemies on a gloomy island. The only thing which you can use to your expense is your wit. Different game areas have different special doors that are scattered across various levels. They are only accessible if you can reach them on a set time and apparently each of these doors is filled with plentiful loot. Being frantically quick and achieving big is what makes the game quite exhilarating.
Dead Cell is an interesting game for players who want to exercise their brain’s analytical abilities.
Faster Than Light
Have a knack for exploration and that too in space? Well, look no further than Faster Than Light where half the ship you are on is technically under siege and fire. Apparently, the rebel scums never get tired of sending waves of lasers one after the other to damage your spacecraft’s entire hull. Survival sounds like a challenge doesn’t it? Well, guess what it is brutal and harsh, and very unforgiving. But the game is so cool that you just can’t have enough as you keep coming back to play it over and over.
Faster Than Light features 10 different types of ships with multiple layouts. Each ship can help you progress through the game and earn interesting achievements throughout the game. You find powerful weapons that you can equip to your ship and use it against more difficult enemies within the game. The game has a ton of content that keeps you hooked and is fairly unjustified based on price. The entire experience is tenfolds better because it brings different playstyles and random characters.
FTL is a game that you don’t easily get bored of, and apparently, it stays fresh every time you play it.
Stardew Valley
Not much of a fan of hardcore killing, blood, and gore? Want a peaceful game where you can just earn profits without investing much. Apparently, Stardew is one title where you can kick-back, relax and work on your profit generation strategy. Stardew Valley is a farm building game that promises a lot of content and a whole lot of fun. Imagine a game where you simply inherit farmland and start with a basic plot which you slowly transform in a money-making machine and look aesthetically amazing.
Just when you think the game has finally come to an end, the game comes out as an entirely new branch giving you a real blast of some extra fun. Stardew Valley is an interesting game where you start off as a basic farmer working on the plot of land but just as you move forth, you can observe that the farm ultimately becomes an optimized money-making machine that looks incredibly pretty. The game options are limitless and in fact, give you enough room of freedom with a calming soundtrack.
So if you’re looking for a casually styled gaming experience, look no further than the Stardew Valley.
Hotline Miami
Not only the game is fast-paced but it packs quite a punch for all those seeking blood, gore, and some mind-blasting beats. With Hotline Miami, you take the traditional arcade action to the next level. Created by Dennaton Games, this instant classic is a great one that offers pixelated gore and a traditional top-down view. You are tasked with shooting evil people and as you progress through the game every level just brings a new challenge your way. Each level is unique with creative bosses.
If you want to go on a killing spree, you can do it on the Hotline Miami. The game includes somewhat scores of weapons and each of these weapons has their own playstyle which keeps the player going. Even though the main storyline of the game is just a few couples of hours but the game is so creatively designed that it can a whole lot more than just those hours, or probably a whole lot longer. In the end, the temptation to score high and make ultimate combos is what keeps the gamer hooked.
So there you are, some of the most exciting, action-packed, fun and thrilling pixel art games which one must play? If you haven’t decided what you should be playing this season, these titles may interest you. Have you played something similar lately, or are you a fan of the pixel games? Leave a comment.