New WhatsApp Scam Gives Free 1000GB of Data

New WhatsApp Scam Gives Free 1000GB of Data

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Recently we have realized a new round of scams on WhatsApp. The report shows that a message has been circulating, claiming that it will provide 1000GB of free mobile data for the follow-up users. Fraud is done through fraudulent websites through fake websites that also provide other fraudulent means for well-known brands.

Beware of the new WhatsApp scam!

Once the user clicks on the link, they are immediately redirected to a website asking them questions to prove their eligibility for 1000GB of “free” data. Officials warned users to be wary of such fraud because their purpose was to involve users in “click fraud.” By redirecting fraudulent users to their website, fraudsters can create fake ad clicks and then generate revenue for the operators of any campaign.

It is important for users to understand any such fraud, as they can greatly harm them and even violate their privacy.

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