50 of the Best Website Design Ideas for Inspiration in 2021

Best Website Design

50 of the Best Website Design Ideas for Inspiration in 2021

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The design of Best Website Design Ideas can determine how many visitors engage with the brand. In design, many things need to be considered, but most importantly usability, security, and aesthetics.

You may be redesigning your website as you lead your team into 2021. Here’s some of the best sites ever that you can check out along with some Awwwards nominees from the past and future. Some of these sites offer a unique look at successful websites around the world, offering what works for them.

The Awwwards cover a wide variety of categories, from articles and interviews to mobile excellence and design, revealing the best in creativity, design, and innovation across the internet. They have a great category called Web Design that we especially love to watch. It is not only providing updates on trending topics, but it is also easy to see how technology is affecting business the way we know it. Consider whether you could draw inspiration from our Best Website Design list, Awwwards’ past winners, or current nominees as you prepare your 2021 strategy and think about improvements for your own brand’s Techno fuss.

1. Slavefootprint (Best Website Design)

Slavery Footprint, started in 2011, is a non-profit organization that works to raise awareness against modern-day slavery by engaging individuals, businesses, and groups. There website goes a step further when it comes to usability, accessibility, and responsive design. Visitors get a clear sense of the mission of the company when entering their homepage, which features a breaking of the chain design.

With unique pop-ups for each menu item, the site offers its members an interactive experience. Non-profit organizations can learn from Slavery Footprint Website how to engage their members through innovative content and resell them on the cause.

2. Negative black

It’s dark and moody, but it’s actually what’s dark and moody. Black Negative is a Best Website Design that uses the color black smartly, along with subtle colour.

The Best Website Design of Black Negative is especially special because of its unusual design, excellent fonts selection, stunning photos, great video, and care for small details. Rich multimedia content, harmonious flow, and background music in the website are just two examples of the technical skill displayed by the designers.

3. Hello, Monday

Founded in 2014 by Hello Monday, a creative studio that brings digital ideas, experiences, brands, and products to life, the company aims to improve the Mondays of its customers. A Best Website Design created by this company provides users with unique experiences, amuses the mind, and pleads the eye.

It’s a great concept, and it’s executed beautifully! Hi Monday’s site is filled with captivating visuals and animations, making each part of the site more engaging and informative for the user. Despite its uniqueness, this site makes good use of bold fonts and has an easy-to-use user interface.

4. Quest

Among the numerous things on the site of AQuest is incredible imagery, seamless storytelling, creativity in multimedia and animation, visual design, and best of all, fantastic audio engineering. It’s hard to talk about the typography without also mentioning the use of motion, cursor hover effects, and smart use of this project.

The website’s designers devoted much time to integrating functionality and rollovers. AQuest’s dark background theme with excellent visuals reflects the outstanding work they do with websites, social media, films, and 3-D work. The website’s motion effects bring an artistic flare to the Best Website Design. Throughout this Best Website Design of this production and technology company, there is a strong image of creativity.

5. At arkivert, you can find Rainforest Watch.

Users can take a virtual tour of this Best Website Design in 360 degrees. Every village, natural area, waterway and natural area in the Yanomami tribe are clearly visible from satellite images.

It creates an amazing user experience with an incredible amount of imagery, storytelling, and visual designs, as well as an interactive quiz for people to participate in and contribute to becoming effective environmental protectors.

For interactive quizzes, you can use WordPress quiz plugin to make the quiz-making process easier.

With this app, we offer smooth transitions, navigation mechanics, and the ability to see mountains in 3D.

6. Just Chocolate

A website created by Danish chocolate maker Simply Chocolate includes specific pages with additional information about each of their bars. This site features a consistent branding style that is pleasing to the eye while scrolling through the products. You will be tempted to reach out and grab every chocolate bar that appears on the screen.

Just Chocolate manages to combine minimal design elements while creating an immersive and interactive experience that entices the user to explore and continue engaging with the site.

7. Investing.com

Great use of CSS and JavaScript to bring the animation and artificial intelligence experience to life. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are displayed with the help of artificial intelligence on Crypto trading. Chain link is known as the most used technology for crypto trading. The most use of this software is for its feature called chain link price prediction which can gives you the most accurate prediction regarding the currency sales volume. The Best Website Design helps customers identify buying and selling opportunities because of changes in currency values.

The Best Website Design challenges our assumptions of what web AI could potentially achieve with its amazing concept and stunning execution. Crypton’s greeting for the user appears one letter at a time on the home page, as the visitor scrolls down the page.

8. An active-theory perspective

The Active Theory portfolio utilizes a dynamic website, typefaces, animations, and dynamic imagery to display their excellent portfolio. The site also uses animation to display its portfolio in a new way with its navigation mechanics and visuals.

This website’s use of innovative graphics and animations will leave you speechless regardless of whether or not you are knowledgeable about augmented reality or virtual reality. They offer a meticulously crafted and experienced team of in-house designers and developers that have an amazing understanding of all the facets of Best Website Design and development.

9. In the name of the people of KOOX

This Takeaway restaurant, based in the heart of Central London, is managed within a partnership between top chefs in the city. Websites made by their team are among the best in digital experience and development. The Best Website Design stands out for it’s unique color scheme, continual scroll, and smooth transition between sections, as well as its continuous animation of vegetable illustrations.

The designers have taken great care to provide the visitors of the website with beautiful illustrations which are both animated and aesthetically pleasing. The captivating website features top chefs from London, so you can surely order food from there.

10. Tribes that are nomadic

One of 2019’s best website designs is Nomadic Tribe. We’re talking great illustration, interactive elements, and a story-telling experience enhanced with four chapters of content and an awesome soundtrack. The website features captivating visuals and audio that takes the users on a poetic journey to learn about their comic book heritage. It’s a poetic journey that they won’t soon forget.

The navigation experience was streamlined by Nomadic Tribe to ensure usability, and beautiful transitions were implemented that allowed the site to be the site of the year. Please engage the site’s sound feature when you are browsing it.

11. Cannabidiol

It is a great example of a website that has been revamped for Retail companies. Designed with an emotional journey in mind – the site offers unique features to highlight the unique features of their products, leading the user through the Four Worlds.

A warm and friendly environment is created for visitors with the orange-themed Best Website Design agency with its youthful feel. Overall, the website offers a strong level of engagement, as well as eCommerce functions, and is the perfect combination of creativity and 3D visuals.

12. the king

A site like King isn’t like any other. Among their awesome games is ‘Candy Crush’, one of the top-rated interactive entertainment games. Their Best Website Design was awarded best graphical site design – not just for its color scheme, nor for the icons or the images, but for how the story is associated with each game and how users develop a sense of connection.

I’m not completely sure how I would describe this website’s overall experience. It has illustrations, motion graphics, audio/video, colors, movement, consistency of brand. The characters and different buttons make scrolling enjoyable, and we’re able to get immediate feedback.

13. Almenken

Audiences have been spellbound by the works of Alan Menken for over 35 years, entertaining them with some of Disney’s most beloved songs. One of the biggest portfolio Best Website Design of this time demonstrates his love for music and poetry.

The site weaves a compelling story alongside a user-friendly interface that offers a comprehensive overview along with information on all of the legend’s famous works. A minimalist interface and use of large grids in his website bring his famous compositions to life, and can be used to relive childhood memories and listen to the songs once again.

14. Portfolio of Elias Akentour

Taking users through an incredible array of works, this French artist’s website integrates still photographs with video content. In addition to his experience as an art director, Elias Akentour has a special focus on new technologies and luxury markets and his work has spanned more than seven years. It immediately strikes you that this is a site with an upscale vibe. Quickly introducing a variety of content on Elias’ Best Website Design, the overview has a clean and streamlined presentation that makes it easy for the viewer to navigate.

The site’s captivating animations provide an outstanding look at Elias and his achievements.

15. Partners Torgerson

Torgerson Design Partners created an outstanding Best Website Design in Ozark, Missouri. A familiar feature on the site is that micro-animations mimic the iconography you’re used to seeing on other sites. The site has an exceptionally clean design that takes visitors through the story of the company, and it showcases some of its previous work as well.

16. We are Locomotor – Swab the world!

These efforts are aimed at increasing awareness and will hopefully result in diversifying the world’s stem cell bank. It is difficult not to be drawn to this site – an almost all-consuming amount of attention is drawn to the blend of umbers and teals, and to the pulsing movement to the right of the eye. Users are forced to see the site in fullness due to the balls located only in that area, increasing visual interest seamlessly.

17. Films by Skyline

You must optimize your mobile site regardless of your industry because the competition has taken advantage of this issue. For example, digital campaigns in the film industry are expected to have high imagination levels and to be able to use modern technology. The movie Sherlock Holmes’ marketing was handled by Skyline Films. The challenge of making a period piece beautiful whilst also making it user-friendly is challenging, but in the case of this project, we have surprised most users. The slowness and purposefulness of the sit, when viewed in sepia tone, appear in contrast to the speed and intuitiveness of Victorian images, but this paradoxical contrast is what makes it work.

18. Digital Spinning

One of their top awards for Best SEO-Friendly Best Website Design comes from their well-laid out-site content and keyword strategy, together with their template strategy. A powerful visual presentation was created by SPINX Digital. Website that not only makes their services clear but is also appealing and progressive. 

It was designed using the best SEO practices and it has been made responsive. The simplicity of pixel-rich imagery and the simplicity of the design enabled them to focus on and provide exactly what people intended to see: Services.

19. Surrealism at its best

More and more designers are creating their websites in surrealist style, along with the collage art trend. This type of composition consists of unusual backgrounds on which elements are placed. Gucci’s example uses an image for each bag. When consumers see the bag from a distance, they can fully appreciate how it looks, feels, and reflects a fashion sense.

Aside from flamboyant colors and textures, Surrealism in web design expresses the idea of another dimension beyond the domain of the eye. Over the years, it has given these companies one more way to expose their audiences to products via a novel, emotional medium.

20. The Gallery Menu can be hovered

A website’s menus are as essential to an interface as any other element, and have been the subject of a lot of design trends. The “half hover gallery, half navigation menu” takes a spin on the traditional menu structure. If you hover over the menu, the content, including the preview for the next step, appears and we see a sneak peak.

As you will see with CHIVI CHIVI, we can take this engaging experience one step further: every distinct menu item displayed as you hover over it displays a unique image, telling us what awaits us on each new page you encounter.

21. Shapes That Make Sense

Web design trends have also been influenced by the 90s aesthetic, which is seen here as a return of simple shape motifs used throughout schemes. The simplicity of these illustrations in 2D is matched just by the one tone of color and lacks depth and texture. You can find examples of these shapes throughout a website that features Happy Socks’ two-dimensional packaging and Best Website Design.

Often resembling stickers from the 80s and 90s, these basic shapes may include text along with them as well. The shape may also be used for buttons with animation or banners for limited time promotional offers. They all aim to capture the attention of a website visitor, no matter what they may look like or entail.

22. Reviewing creative work

Since it launched its print magazine in 1980, Creative Review has expanded to other platforms using digital technology and has launched an online blog as well. Design training and insights are included in the blog website. Creative Insight, Creative Leadership, Creative Inspiration, and Creative Process are the modules that we offer in this blog. A section called Insight keeps you updated on designer-related developments. A creative inspiration section is included to give you a lot of ideas and help ignite your imagination. Designers will learn about business management through this course.

23. ScientistSoft 

A ScienceSoft blog is targeted to businesses as opposed to other design blogs. It explains how design plays a role in e-business success, the strategies to utilize and the estimated cost of designing and redesigning a website. Having a blog covering the experience of ScienceSoft’s design team, business people can discuss the design process with web designers and ensure that their design investment gives them the most benefits.

24. Web Designer Depot

Our daily website updates provide you with everything you need to know about web design. Website design and website development news and resources are available on the site. By subscribing to the newsletter, you will receive daily posts that contain valuable information. They also have Twitter and Facebook accounts, or you can simply sign up for their email lists.

Learn about web design, user experience, freelancing, accessibility and more with a wide variety of articles. On this site, you can find tons of free templates, mock-ups, icons, free fonts and more. The same way Reddit lets you comment and vote on the posts, you can do that on the blog.

25. The Ledger of Web Design

The Web Design Ledger website helps web designers effectively organize their work and makes the whole process more straightforward. There are various topics covered, such as User Interface (UI), graphics, web development, and web design. There are five web design and development categories they cover for web designers in their well-organized website. While there are five categories for web design and development, there are also sections for web development.

Interviews with web designers and programmers are provided, as well as a section on inspiration. This book interview conducted by Fabio Sasso is alongside references of interviewee Nicholas C. Zakas; it also offers references to the books he cites.

26.  Creativity Bloq

WebMagazine is officially called Creative Bloq, however its online version is referred to as Creative Blog as the address matches the website’s domain name. Content on design and web development are published monthly in this magazine. In obscurity to eminence, this blog has grown to a monthly readership of more than 10 million as the first forerunner of design content.

Throughout this blog, the main focus is on creativity. The site does not give you banal, old-fashioned advice but rather, new and creative ideas. In addition to blogs about web design, the website asks you to follow various tweets, which give you inspiration and ideas on how to improve your design. If you’re looking for a job, this site’s job board is available every day.

27. Bomb designs

The site’s name indicates it offers some of the freshest ideas in web development and design. Here at our blog, we upload highly informative, easy to follow posts with exclusive discounts, well-researched guides, and any other useful knowledge you may need. We have designed this website with a fresh, clean layout that makes you feel refreshed.

In the beginning, the purpose of a group was to allow web designers to share their own designs, but now a centralized place has been created that’s useful for sharing tutorials and other resources. It’s a great place to get inspiration if you’re running low on inspiration.

28. A full range of design services is available from Design Shack

Another blog or magazine which is popular among designers is Design Shack, which was founded in 2003. Business and design articles are explored. You can find web design tips on this blog when you search “tips.” It’s easy to get around as the blog’s design is straightforward.

The site offers everything from design and development to freelancing, freelancing software and freelancing mobile devices and devices. Trends, mobile sites, UI/UX, CSS, PHP, HTML and JavaScript. The materials here are great for passing on skills and staying updated if you’re looking to hone yours. Almost 16k members refer to this blog regularly, so there is little doubt that you will become a fan of it.

29. Onextrapixel

In addition to being an online magazine and resources site for web developers and designers, Onextrapixel is a leading industry resource for designers. A Singaporean-focused online magazine offers tips and advice in the areas of design, development, and other topics that are relevant to your learning.

Subscribers get valuable and interesting content by signing up for the newsletter. You should bookmark this blog. Its case studies, based on failure success web designs, is what sets this site apart from others. 

30. Point of Information Site Point of Information

The Library section of Site Point offers a lot of useful guides, covering CSS, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and more. Site Point is an Australian publisher of books and courses for web developers.

31. Illustration is a worthwhile investment

A custom illustration can really help your brand stand out and give prospective customers an idea of what it feels like to work with you. Social Media Examiner is particularly good at this.

An elaborate illustration conveys Social Media Examiner’s belief that it takes a friendly approach to working with clients, while exploring new facets of social media. Unfortunately, this route can become fairly expensive, so you should limit your illustration to your home page.

32. Put your website on one page

Users can learn everything they need about your company without needing to search different areas of the site since all of the important information is on one page. In order to do this, one really good way is to put all your information on one big frame, such as the Galleon and Caravan sites now have.

33.  All over the place, 3D graphics

High resolution screens have enabled design of 3D content at a much higher quality than Geocities’ blocky edges and beveled edges. A high-quality 3D visual is becoming more and more common in web design. In actuality, they improve the user’s overall experience instead of being distracting.

Incorporated with the 3D elements of their site, the creative agency Sennep emphasizes depth. Everything about the design here feels harmonious. The use of 3D is particularly effective in limited layouts.

34. Muted colors are the focus

Light and dark blocks of green make up Magic Theater Studio’s design, resulting in a vibrant contrast between sections. Text and illustrations are drawn by hand in a style that complements the muted colors. The black and white design is dominated by a subtle shattering of negative space, which creates a sense of movement that is quite appealing.

Below you will find the professional marketing portfolio of Bobby Rowe, which celebrates color, and which also displays his work in an insightful and humorous manner. This web design shows off a good mix of subtle and bold colors. It’s created by Bobby Rowe, who truly knows how to design awesome web designs.

35. Design based on preferences

With more personalization on the web, web development has progressed greatly. Changing the appearance and navigation of a site through the use of a toggle switch may include providing custom-tailored content that is tailored to individuals’ likes, similar to the custom playlists generated by Spotify.

Internet users are experiencing the internet in a less passive manner as a result of new design practices and algorithms. Those who visit websites today will increasingly have their needs and tastes met.

36. Blurring at Gaussian levels

Creating gently blurred images with Gaussian blur is an outstanding thing to do. Although designers have been using this effect for a while, it has become more prominently featured in web designs in recent years.

With a gaussian blur of color, Moment House’s homepage begins rather than with a hero image. With this feeling and images of Los Angeles cityscapes right after it, you’re greeted by an atmospheric scene. The light and shadow of the golden aperture perfectly capture Los Angeles as viewed through it.

37. Grids are used in geometry

There is a lot of flexibility in integrating grids into a design, so were able to make them in a lot of different ways. With their clean and bold look, grid-based layouts are gaining traction.

Blocks are both used for navigation and content in the design of Hudson Gavin and Martin. You’ll love how they keep your attention and make navigating through such a natural experience.

38. Designing for responsiveness

The first source of Best Website Design inspiration we had on hand was ResponsiveDesign.is, because responsive design has become a significant design consideration for today’s websites. RWD Sites: A repository of successful sites that use RWD techniques, as well as a site dedicated to the advancement of RWD as a design discipline.

Responsive Design does more than offer galleries of inspirational web designs. It also explains the code underneath the designs, which is potentially very helpful to those making their first foray into web design and those honing their web development skills.

39. The CSS Zen Garden is described in the following way

Since this website was established almost 20 years ago (at least relative to Internet time), it has been adopted by many webmasters.

It’s not just a collection of awesome images, but rather a way to show off all the amazing power that CSS brings to the table. Only the CSS files have been altered in any of the designs showcased on the site.

It takes on a special place in the web community’s heart because CSS Zen Garden serves as a great example of the power of CSS-based design on the web. There are two major aspects to the site’s design and accessibility. The CSS Zen Garden Best Website Design itself states that it is dedicated to teaching pragmatic, relevant CSS rather than the latest trickery viewed by 2% of browsers. Validating your CSS is very important.”

It has also added the useful possibility of viewing un-published designs and submissions. This makes CSS Zen Garden a rarity now days. If you want to create your own design, you can also get the free HTML and CSS files the site offers. This will work for both experienced and new designers alike!

Your site’s visual appearance can be dramatically altered by CSS, and CSS Zen Garden can offer you suggestions for your next redesign. You might not need to fix your HTML, but it would be best to at least clean up the CSS.

40. Colored pencil

The minute you discover this site, it’s hard to imagine life without it. Crayon.co, a one-stop shop for online visual inspiration, has become an indispensable resource for marketers, web designers, and developers looking for ideas for future ventures or to see the latest trends in web design.


It’s been an honor to collaborate with Stash on so many projects, and I couldn’t recommend it more highly. Interviews and breakdowns from the top designers within the field make their permanent collection one of a kind. They also keep us informed about current trends, jobs, and events relevant to our industry. The site is free to use, but you’ll need to subscribe for access to its full functionality. However, you’ll love it because of the features it offers.


A visit to CG Society is the top way to be up-to-date on the latest Hollywood 3D techniques and effects. Here you’ll find inspiration for high-end visual effects, 3D animations and general high-end animation techniques. It’s easy to learn about the art and craft of animated characters and visual effects through the community forums, or you can look up specific tutorials on how to make them. This is a great piece of information to add to your toolbox.

43. In web design there are distortions, glitches and noises

We’re also going to see things like distorted, glitchy, noisy, blurred, out of focus, chaotos, mismatched, random, flaws, dysfunction – in short, chaos. The design reflects reality and this is a reaction to these strange times, so suffice to say, this is a fantastic move. You will see a site with a random arrangement of typography and images, a color theme (or lack of one) not unified by anything other than its very existence. Despite being a somewhat anti-design piece, 2021 makes a potentially huge statement about our current state of affairs, challenging the viewer to take what is given and understand it for themselves. If you are fascinated by the idea of dark web design, then perhaps this group will pique your interest.

44. Designing an interactive website with micro animations

UX and UI are essentials; they aren’t trends, and they won’t ever go out of style. Micro-interactions have been a powerful way of getting users comfortable with the simple processes they need to adopt. A few years hence, the interactions will be animated. These interactions include tiny buttons, call-to-actions, pop-ups, cursors, or graphics, an affix will appear and the image will move if it matches where it appears on the page. Micro Animations will become more prevalent in 2021, more subtly but used to emphasize interaction, which will be useful but also playful. You can find great inspiration here if you’re looking for good design elements.

45. Web design with bold fonts

Among the most fundamentally influenced trends of this generation are the fonts and typography of Best Website Design. In 2021, we will be seeing a push for big, bold, eye-catching, and brassy fonts that need to be seen. Full page, grabbing the edge of the page, animated, flying around… This is what the 2021 generation of fonts will look like… Look at me, look at me, look at me!! For when they are this cool, who can fault them.

46. Web Design created by hand

An interesting and fascinating attribute of all designs is their paradoxical quality. It’s like finding tasty food combinations that couldn’t possibly work yet do. The web design trends of 2021 will be disorientingly different from an inherent computer-style web and will be more flexible and free-form in their approach. This can create an environment that feels beautiful and relaxed in contrast to the coldness of computers. This homemade style that is bubbling under for a number of years is likely to take a step forward this year, became a little friendlier, more casual, and a lot less formal. You will find many ways to make things look uncrafted such as: handwritten fonts, doodled images, underlines in marker, journal entries, photos with dates, and journal-like entries.

47. Web Design that embraces minimalism

Minimalism has been one of my favorites for a long time, and why should it? It has taken the ideas of simplicity that we mentioned before to a whole new level. Seldom understood the changing world has never been more appropriate. A web design trend that is popular today could be just as popular in 2021. Its simplicity and confidence are what make it so engaging. There are no added frills or foolish gimmicks. Direct, straightforward, and often styled in a way that is simple yet stunning, and quietly cool. Aim to use minimal design more creatively and invigoratingly in 2021

48. Getting started

Google launched its Mobile First campaign, and the number of mobile users continues to rise. Therefore, you need to optimize your loading time.

Users respond very negatively to loading times that are too long, regardless of the fact that Google has made loading time a ranking criterion. You lose cash because your bounce rate rises.

Optimizing the loading speed starts with image optimization and extends to caching techniques. For example, a few WordPress plugins work well for the optimization of loading time.

Despite all of the good feedback Monstroid2 has, and also the fact that you can get tons of skins, I recommend lighter WordPress themes.

49. An enlargeable video

Background videos add uniqueness to the Best Website Design, by making it modern, which increases the blog’s traffic and audience’s involvement. In the second case, the user may find the information they’re looking for in the video before scrolling down the page.

An old trick used background videos that spanned their entire length first appeared. This had already gained fame.

Because load times dropped because the site was unable to support a lot of mobile devices and had a lot of weight on it. In fact the video returned as the main background in the system again due to the performance and technical optimization capabilities of the gadgets. The design team still has a strong role to play in 2021 in order to take a leading position.

50. Images and graphics to get your juices flowing

On a site with the same photos, it becomes boring. Modern consumers need something outstanding, captivating, and distinctive. Graphics are the solution. 

The colors and vibrant graphics create an impact, attracting attention and motivating the viewer to take further action. 

You should check out the Reddit blog to ensure it is cool. A theme-complementing image or photo helps. They must, however, be of high quality and juicy.

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