Apple Improves Gaming Support with the Launch of the New iOS 14

Apple Improves Gaming Support with the Launch of the New iOS 14

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We recently learned that Apple is working immensely to optimize gaming support for the all-new iOS 14 and compatible devices which will run the new OS on their platform. Apple has revealed a few highlights where it has provided information on full support for controller button remapping, haptics, rumble, motion, and also the ability of the Apple phones to utilize keyboard/mouse for gaming.

Gamers who actively use Apple products have long been asking the Cupertino smartphone giant when they are going to get the rumble and haptic support for Apple gaming experience, and apparently Apple has revealed that it’s finally hitting the market this year. Now, developers will be able to program feedback into Apple games optimized for the new iOS 14 so people can have a better gaming experience, such as getting a recoil after a shot is fired from a gun or vibrant explosions in gameplay. 

At the same time, Apple is also planning to add motion inputs, which will allow users to connect Sony’s DualShock 4 controller to the new iOS 14. With this feature, Apple developers will be able to add a feature for the colour scheme to change when the DualShock controller starts running low on battery. It will also feature a two-finger tracking as well as a full-support for the touchpad’s buttons. 

At the same time, we have also learned that Apple is actively working on adding the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 as well in its upcoming iOS 14, iPad 14, and tvOS updates. With this feature, users will be able to include full support for the four paddle buttons and even offer the button remapping feature. This particular new button remapping feature is globally accepted for all controllers which can be easily optimized and accessed by various apps & games that are hitting the iOS market. These additions are just the highlight as we are also going to see some more solid improvements in the coming time. 

Moreover, we have also learned that Apple is going to allow keyboard and mouse connectivity for iPad. So now, users seeking to have a PC gaming experience on iPad will not have to settle for gamepads & controllers. Although, right now, Apple users can connect a keyboard and mouse to their iPad and have the experience but they won’t be able to strike multiple keys at an instance and this particular support is quite the lackluster. The iPad also comes with a mouse support for current iPad games and provides a wonderful click & feel experience. 

Here’s actually great news for all the fans of first-person shooters because those who play FPS titles greatly rely on precision input. With the full compatibility for keyboard and mouse, fans can now have an ultimate shooting experience on their iPads. 

Also, players can have a full-advantage of full-screen gaming with the new Apple iOS devices.

By the way, luck you because we also have a last minute chunk bar for you. Apple is also working on overhauling the entire Game Center experience by changing the user interface for clients & customers. 

The new UI design of the game space will have a transparent layer on top of games. 

Alongside the game space area, Apple has also worked up on its achievement section of the Game Center. This has transformed the entire look and feel of the app. It is now allowing a more consistent gaming experience for all the iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and macOS fans who are enthusiastic gamers too. 

All of these upgrades indicate that Apple has worked tirelessly to create a really fun and engaging gaming experience for its future users. So whether you’re a fan of iPad, iPhone or some other device, buckle up! Because Apple is about to give a full-length amazing gaming experience to the table for fans around the world. Do you want to learn more about what Apple is doing to transform the gaming experience for all its users, well stay tuned on TechWireHub as we will be bringing more exciting info. 

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